The Wake Ode To My Misery Rar
I did not get up, but sat in the armchair by the window. I had not meant to stay there but I was too comfortable. I talked to the nurse for a while and then I felt sleepy. I lay down with the lamp lit but not on. And I slept. I left it on when I woke up because I wanted to take a look at the blue of the sky and the wake of the waves. It was a little after ten. I had been asleep for five hours and my muscles ached. I went into the bathroom and had a cold bath. Then I got into bed and read some more.
After she had had her bath I got into bed with a book, but it was so hot that I got up again, lit a cigarette and then went to look for a fan. I found it and going back to bed resumed my book, which I finished. I got up again and went to the bathroom, asking about the nurse as I passed the open door. She was still awake and she was sitting up in bed. She had been crying, and she smiled at me as I came in. We talked for a while, and then I went back to the bedroom. I looked at the clock: it was about half past ten. I went to the bathroom and read till the nurse came in. She asked me if I wanted anything more and I told her no, that I would go to sleep. I went back to bed, and after a while she got into it. We slept till I was woken by her first call, at seven. I sent her to bed, and told her to call me if I woke up.
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