Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah De Jong 1148.pdf
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. PDF Reterngocat Jual. page 1148. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah.Lesions of the medial thalamus and red nucleus induce abnormal eye and head movements in rats.
Movements evoked by stimulation of the lateral and medial subthalamic nuclei (STN) have been studied in alert, behaving rats using a video-based technique. Subthreshold stimulation of both these regions evoked contraversive rotations of the ipsilateral, but not contralateral, head and neck, as well as contraversive saccades and horizontal saccades towards the side of the stimulation, in addition to saccades towards the opposite side. The largest amplitude of the movements was observed during the first 30 ms after the stimulus. This initial contraversive eye movement followed with a slight delay the contraversive head movement. Electrical stimulation of the red nucleus (RN) produced the same movements, with no delay, but stronger amplitude. The evoked eye and head movements were completely suppressed by local injections of muscimol into the RN. Similar experiments carried out on rats with ibotenic acid-induced lesions of the RN, with and without lesions of the ipsilateral STN, showed that the evoked movements were unaffected by the STN lesions and completely suppressed by ibotenic acid lesions of the RN, whereas the STN lesions produced head movements in the opposite direction with the same characteristics as in controls. These results provide further evidence for two functionally distinct motor systems in the medial thalamus and RN, one involved in controlling the direction of saccades and horizontal head movements, and the other involved in controlling the direction of head movements only.Q:
How to get all inner class's attributes when creating inner class's object using reflection?
I have something like this:
// Outer class
class A{
public String x = "x";
public Integer y = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) {
A a = new A();
a.x = "yyy";
a.y = 20;
And want to create new object of that inner class and get all attributes and change them:
// Inner class
class B{
public String x;
public 0b46394aab