Hocus Pocus Dos Game Full Version Download
Hocus Pocus Dos Game Full Version Download >>> https://urlgoal.com/2t9SaH
Do you still want to continue to use Hocus Pocus? If you send me your Hocus Pocus file (both the original and the modified PCX tileset files), I will recompile the game and send you back the patched version. You can continue to use all the game features and features included in the patch. The patch will be sent as a compressed ZIP file which you will have to unzip to get all the files inside it (the patch itself will not be a file inside the zip file).
Once again, thanks to all who support our free games. I will not renew my support for Hocus Pocus any longer. In the future, if you would like to use custom size tilesets in Hocus Pocus, you can get your own copy of the game. If you want to use your own custom tilesets for Hocus Pocus, please contact me, and I will recompile it for you. I will continue to support Hocus Pocus until 2014, and after that I will no longer support it. Should you require custom size tilesets in future, I suggest you get your own copy of Hocus Pocus to continue playing it. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
However, if you need custom size tileset, Hocus Pocus is the only game that allows you to do it. I will continue to support Hocus Pocus until 2014, and after that I will no longer support it. Should you require custom size tilesets in future, I suggest you get your own copy of Hocus Pocus to continue playing it.
PS2: I changed some game files to suit older versions of the game. If you are running a version older than v1.1 you should use the v1.1 tilesets, not the ones I provided above. This explains why I was able to use any different filesize.
To test the tileset you can copy the new tileset to HOCUS.DAT of your game and that should do. Remember to sync HOCUS.EXE and HOCUS.DAT together before modifying anything. If you don't, the game will become irreversibly broken (as explained above).
I made a few edits to the original Hocus Pocus. One thing that I would like to add is that there should be a setting to make the wizard more powerful and the weakest or weakest wizard should be more powerful. He should be able to cast more powerful spells, carry more treasure, etc.
Hi, you can download the full version of Hocus Pocus from the download store listed below. If you buy a game you don't only get the full version game, you also support DOS Games Archive. For every sale we receive a small fee from the download store which helps us to keep this free website alive. Thank you and have fun!
With this method you can add as many tiles as you want. If you need to create a custom tileset for a game, in addition to this guide, you can always generate new tileset from scratch with the Tiled Editor (see the link at the beginning of the post) and then you will be able to use it in Hocus Pocus.
The code is written in C (and it is in fact a very simple game if we consider the size of the game engine). I need some time to rewrite it in C#. Then I will post it here or just upload it to my blog (if you can't be bothered to download Hocus Pocus...). 827ec27edc